
Cover Image for ProtonBridge Headless Mode

ProtonBridge Headless Mode

6 min read
Cover Image for OPNsense Multi-WAN Tailscale
OPNsense Multi-WAN Tailscale
9 min read

My goal with this project was to allow some devices on my local LAN to use a Tailscale exit-node as a gateway to exit out onto the internet, i.e. enable the normal exit node behavior, but without having to configure anything on the devices themselves. The firewall should route the traffic down the Tailnet tunnel automatically without the target local devices being any the wiser. This post will walk through the steps required to get your OPNsense firewall to selectively send traffic out via a second gateway. The goal is to use Tailscale running on OPNsense (FreeBSD) as a second Gateway for some select devices, while others continue to use the default WAN connection and gateway. First, let's summarize some of the prerequisites and what I had in-place before beginning with the OPNsense configuration.

Cover Image for Better Observability Into Your Local Clickhouse Instance With Grafana and Prometheus
Cover Image for The Advent of Monitoring, Day 9: Advantages of Multi-Step API Checks vs Original API Checks
monitoringapiapi monitoringmulti-step api checks
Cover Image for How low-level API calls can stabilize your end-to-end tests
testingapiapi testing
Cover Image for Windows 11 on Proxmox
Windows 11 on Proxmox
4 min read

Update 2: Proxmox has added support for adding vTPM devices to a VM with 7.0-13. For more details, check out their docs. > Update: I've discovered a great new Windows 11 MediaCreationTool modification repo on Github. This will download the official Windows 11 ISO from Microsoft and adjust it to allow installation without TPM, SecureBoot, etc. There are a few options for generating the image, including language and Windows edition (Pro/Enterprise/Home) as well as which Windows Version you're coming from. Check it out here: AveYo/MediaCreationTool.bat

Cover Image for Link Screenshot Previews
Link Screenshot Previews
12 min read

I stumbled upon @raunofreiberg's UI/UX experiments at recently and was super inspired by the 'hover links for their screenshots' one. The gist of the idea is to show users a visual preview of the link they may be about to click. Upon playing with his implementation I knew I wanted to try building it for myself! Before I go into much further detail here, you can save yourself a bunch of work and use @microlink's API which is designed for exactly this use-case. They offer an endpoint with a free plan that lets you generate 100 requests / day to which you can pass not only the URL you want to screenshot, but also some additional fancy stuff like backgrounds and browser overlays, etc.

Cover Image for Tailwind Read Progress Bar
Tailwind Read Progress Bar
5 min read

Update: CSS is getting a native @scroll-timeline that will make this much easier! See Kevin Powell and Adam Argyle work with it in Chrome Canary here. You can also check out the CSS Spec for scroll-linked animation. It's that time of year again where I decided to rewrite my personal website 🎉

Cover Image for Github Codespaces
Github Codespaces
4 min read

Github announced their new web based development environment called Codespaces at their Event. To be honest, this was the feature I was most excited about this year. And this evening, I finally got the email that I have access to the beta version of it! First things first, I had some trouble finding out how to launch a codespace for a given repo. I navigated around the repo README page a bit, and eventually found the option under the green "Code" button, where you can open the collapsible menu that contains the clone URL. There is now also an option to open the repo in a new codespace / a list of any existing codespaces for that repository.

Cover Image for libvirt qemu VMs
libvirt qemu VMs
4 min read

With a fresh desktop linux install, I wanted to avoid installing VirtualBox again and finally learn how to setup a KVM VM with tools such as qemu and libvirt. libvirt is a management tool that can be used to talk to hypervisors such as qemu. This simplifies working with qemu - the actual tool which does the hardware emulation.

Cover Image for Plex Setup
Plex Setup
12 min read

This post will be mostly documentation for myself, but I also want to share with the world my setup for my personal media server. ## Preparation

Cover Image for HomeAssistant RaspberryPi 4
HomeAssistant RaspberryPi 4
4 min read
Introduction Quick wrap up of how to install HomeAssistant on a fresh RaspberryPi OS (32-bit) install.
Cover Image for Installing Overwatch on Arch Linux
Introduction I hadn't played video games in what felt like ages, but suddely a strong urge to get back into Overwatch overcame me..
Cover Image for My journey to serverless and back
My journey to serverless and back
8 min read
Introduction So I've had some experience with the whole "serverless" thing over the past few months. A few cloudflare workers, a netlify function here or there to spice up a static site. But a full-on serverless function based project was not something I'd had experience with, until now.
Cover Image for Docker + Localhost MySQL
Docker + Localhost MySQL
3 min read

I was having the hardest time getting applications in docker containers to connect to the instance of mysql runnning on the host. I finally found a great solution, so I figured I'd post it here for myself and so that others may find it as well.

Cover Image for Standard Notes Selfhosted Installation
What? Standard Notes is an opensource web-based notes application.
Cover Image for Google Calendar API Sucks
Google Calendar API Sucks
2 min read

I've been building a little enterprise app at work to deal with network maintenances and it has a good deal of Google Calendar integration. Please tell me if this makes sense to you..

google calendarapirant
Cover Image for My own DNS-over-HTTPS Server
My own DNS-over-HTTPS Server
5 min read With all the hype surrounding DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH), I wanted to try it out for myself and see what it was all about.
Cover Image for Remember the Milk Syntax
Remember the Milk Syntax
3 min read

So, like any modern person on the internet today, we all have our own workflows. Our own ways of staying on top of our responsibilities. One of the key aspects of this, at least for me, is a solid application for notes and reminders.

Cover Image for MagicMirror
3 min read

This is simply a collection of links, plugins, and parts used to build my "MagicMirror". As can be seen in the cover photo, this consists of a monitor, a two-way mirror, and (optionally) a wooden frame. You can check out my implementation below. As can you see, I've elected to not build a wooden frame. That was an aethestic choice, of course.. Nothing to do with my fantastic wood working skills of course.. 😅

side projectself hostedlinux
Cover Image for Retropie
3 min read

This is just a copy of my 'to-do list' for the RetroPie Raspberry Pi project. I created this for my brother as a gift for his university graduation a few years ago.

raspberry piside projectlinux
Cover Image for Setting up a Raspberry Pi
Setting up a Raspberry Pi
6 min read

When setting up a Raspberry Pi, you first need to write an OS onto an SD Card so your device has something to boot from. ## Operating System

raspberry pilinux
Cover Image for Lynis - Linux Server Auditing
Lynis - Linux Server Auditing
2 min read

So you’ve got your system up and running the way you like it, but your wondering what else can I do to harden my server? Lynis to the rescue!

Cover Image for vsftpd Setup
vsftpd Setup
4 min read
Intro So an FTP server is often one of the first things people want to setup on a new server. I recently setup two, one on my Raspberry Pi for making a 2TB USB Drive available in my home, and another somewhat more secure one on my VPS to transfer files back and forth.
self hostedserverslinux
Cover Image for Tripwire
1 min read

Here’s a great little program to keep an eye on your system files to make sure no one inappropriate is changing them! I like to have this run in cron once a week and send me a report. When your first changing your system / installing things, a lot of false positives will be tripped. But, once you settle into your system and are not constantly installing things and changing config files – this is a super handy service to have running to keep a proactive key on your file security! [insert content]

self hostingserverslinux